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  • DustBot DustBot
  • NanoBiotact NanoBiotact


Biomechatronics, artificial perception, sensorial devices, automatic control, autonomous robot, biomedical analysis, telematics, neuroscience

Micromecc has successfully collaborated with the ARTS Lab in the following research projects.

The fusion of NEUROscience and roBOTICS for augmenting human capabilities This project deals with new intelligent machines and bionic systems with human interface. Micromecc developed two robotics platform advanced components:
  • a two-degrees-of-freedom anthropomorphic type robotic arm with wires in agonistic/antagonistic configuration;
  • a seven-degrees-of-freedom exoskeleton for functional support and rehabilitation of upper body.
ROBOtic open-architecture Technology for Cognition, Understanding and Behaviours This project studies human learning mechanisms through bio-inspired control aglorithms on a robot portraying a 3.5 year old child.

Micromecc realised all of the components of the child-robot's hand with particularly innovative and complex technologies, necessary to work on such small sizes.

Networked Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene This project saw the development of a totally autonomous "waste collector" robot able to perform door-to-door separated waste collection.

Micromecc contributed to the development and realisation of the mechanics and movements of the frame.

Nano-engineering biomimetic tactile sensors This project deals with the design and realisation of an artificial robotic finger to imitate the resolution, sensitivity and dynamism of human tactile receptors.

Micromecc developed and realised all of the mechanical components of the robotic platform which analyses the performance of the human finger during tactile exploration.